Author Archives: masterkeyrea

About masterkeyrea

I am the person I should have been 40 years ago. Learning is fun but more when it's about something that brings harmony into you life. I am a Light

Week 25 – Transition & Transformation


Today I went to a Movie “God’s not Dead 2” With my Wonderful Raphaela and 5 of our friends from our choir at church. The movie was very well made and we all had moments of sharing tears during this most touching movie.


As we left we were talking like very excited people. We all enjoyed the movie. My thought was what a wonderful opportunity to Practice and Observe myself engaged with friends. My idea for weeks now has been to focus on areas of weakness and improve. I chose to observe myself with: Law of Least Effort: Defenselessness.

We decided to go to the food court and everyone will choose food that pleases them. We got distracted a little and laughed like children.


The conversation was eloquent, deep, funny and at times serious.  I made a statement of my belief, of which my Wonderful Raphaela does not agree with me completely. I said, “we are all one, even when the differences that we see are obvious, in our spirit we are connected with the Creator, made in his image. When we focus on that difference; that grows in us, and we are unable to LOVE truly the one we just judged”

I almost wanted an argument at that point, and expected to have to defend my point of view. Instead I observed that I am presenting myself is such a way that I am accepted when I speak “MY TRUTH”. I was somewhat puzzled and pleased at the same time.


The words I practice and recite every day in my DMP. I live by them. I have had several hours to process this event and the progress that has been made in my life, is quite wonderful. I am grateful to so many and desire to share this GIFT I’ve received.

I listened to Master Key Lesson #2 today and the understanding of the words was breathtaking. I had to stop a few time and walk away with tears. Joyful and happy emotional tears. Grateful that the emotions that I detested most of my life are now holding me up with the strength of a Great Lion.

For me to be able to live with my emotions as I really am, has been the most welcomed benefit of the journey we have made together. The enthusiasm Mark keeps talking about, I have without measure.



I ask you Laugh enthusiastically with me this month. I desire we all be happier than the children, and leave them baffled……………………for once.




Week 24 – Today I begin my new LIFE


What an adventure, journey and Mystery these past few months. I’ve described bit and pieces of the path we are on to others and the looks on their faces spoke louder than words spoken. I no longer follow the crowd but am a creator directed by the Loving Spirit which guides me.

The learning by doing the work and sticking to it long enough to establish a good habit was a mystery in the beginning. Now I am part of that Wisdom.

Today I was giving some thought as to what my feelings should say in this post. I was with the families at my church. We had an Easter breakfast and then had an Egg Hunt with flashlights in dark rooms.RGR_0934I took pictures and posted them on the web site. I was engaged and present the entire time. What is special; is I am at peace with myself and have brought LOVE to the central part of my Spirit. I feel in harmony with the universal principles.



Today we have the Commencement ceremony which ends the weekly webinar. This begins our Life being self-directed under our own power and use of our own thoughts. I can see the work I’ve chosen to do in my future. I focus on this moment as to what I need to bring into my life to create the abundant life I have chosen. Things are so different and much slower and able to absorb what is going on in the moment.RGR_0867

The test is when I have 500+ children and I kneel down with one or many and ask with words and sign language, may I take this picture. They know your heart and whether or not they can trust you. This was one of my most delightful days of something I’ve been doing for close to 40 years. I was able to “BE” true in my being and convey this to little ones who have not the ability to speak adult language.


The Joy is filling and the Love shared; fills to overflowing and necessitates sharing with others. Being with all ages is better now. I will spend more time like today to share the Love given, and create a better world, even if there be but only one person at that time.

So many have been part of this journey, both students and guides, and creators of MKMMA. I wish to convey my gratitude to all of you. I do sincerely appreciate all you have done for me and others. I sit here with tears of such Joy, it is blurry. I Love you all and Pray Peace be with you and be shared eloquently amongst all.

I do not end here but Start my new Life.



Welcome, to our new world





Week 23 – Reflecting on Restoration

Week 23 – Reflecting on Restoration

While driving today. I took inventory of how things are in my present state. My effort was guided towards the benefits of the class for myself and others. I feel like the path of restoration of the being I was born as; is very close to being complete.

I know exactly what is being done, how long it takes, where I’m going and what goals I have. My goals were what excited me the most and has left me in an absolute AWE of the process. Not a single goal is focused on me. When I heard the saying “What I want for myself, I want for others” struck a nerve.

I started writing down goals based on what I want for others. Then something fabulous happened. I was talking to a young man and I realized I am shifting to his benefit in all. I wanted so badly to capture that event, but instead merely observed the change that I’ve earned and the effect when people notice what your true motive is.

Finally, deep in silence, the gratitude seemed overwhelming of all the wonderful things that are added or taken away in my present life (habits). I’ve given the past away, the future is not my business, what am I doing efficiently at this moment. How can I bless everything around me?

I have taken the words of our daily practice and now live them, walk in true Faith. Catch my mind going off to someplace I don’t want to be, and simply choosing not to follow.

Here is something that happened when I arrived at an emergency call. 6 Electricians & the Maintenance Manager were standing at a Main Box and looked perplexed. One spoke, and greeted me and asked if I came to help. My answer, “I just put on my super cape and am here to solve the world’s problems”, “where do I need to be”.

OK, out there a bit, but dealing with that level of difficulty requires all of us to be of one accord. That worked and was not planned in any way. The creativity I had as a young child is back. I am no longer just complying in the world. I am Creating a better world, where I am, wherever that happens to be.

Taking the focus off of me and placing it where my NEEDS are; “helping others” has given me an energy that has nothing to do with what breakfast cereal I ate that morning.


Most of my life has involved solving problems. So I’ve been in/of service to others. My basic needs have been met with abundance. Now I see differently and ways to bring more abundance to all. Frankly that does excite me and am seeing that work in moment by moment of my daily experience.

MKMMA did provide the guidance, and were in service to many more than just those of this class. For that I am eternally grateful. As I look at the work I’ve done, few words have the mastery of describing all the benefits received in this experience.

I create what I want most. I heal myself & others; in spirit, mind & body in a loving, grateful & harmonious way. Mostly those around me are receiving a genuine being worth sharing time with.

Receive the Blessings that have already arrived…………







I finished up at work and was headed home. My mind and Spirit filled with anticipation and plans of exactly what I’m going to do. Then MY Wonderful Raphaela sent me a text. “I can go” which meant she didn’t have to work on Saturday and wanted to go with me. My first reaction was Grrrrrrr. In my DMP I wrote “I choose how to react to any experience in Life. So in that momentary GAP I choose to Love my Wife First and respect her desire as well. My answer was “OK with me”

We arrived home and packed the things needed and headed down the road, about 90 miles. The director at the Retreat was not there to give us a Key and the room. We decided to go to a nearby Motel. We arrived at the room and I said “I have to go Pee” (drinking a lot of water for the Fast) Wonderful Raphaela asked if that was going to be my final words. Which I said no. What I did say was “I Love You Sweetheart”

Thus; began the silence. The Fasting had already started. The Noise is gone. I went to a comfortable chair and decided to start here with a Sit. I did not set the timer because I always do that. This time I’m doing everything without the limits. I was so relaxed and at peace and shut the noise off so perfectly that I feel asleep. I awoke when the director of the Retreat responded to a message we left. She took the call and I was able to begin again with the disturbance going on. I went to the Law of Relaxation and surrendered to an understanding that no place would ever be without disturbances because I would be there and I breath and eat, and move to do just that.

This was the most pleasant and Joy filled Sit & Meditation I’ve ever experienced to this point. I have no idea how long I sat there or if I was even awake all of the time. At some point I got up and joined my wife in bed and slept.

Saturday, we checked into the Retreat and this was where I had a vision of the


peacefulness here would Give me something special. I Sat for a while and became very restless and wrote a note to say “Let’s go for a walk” – She is talking and says “Yes”. The property is big and we walked around it. I thought of bringing home a rock that would remind me of this special weekend. My wonderful Raphaela in that moment bent over and picked up a broken, and squared looking rock and handed it to me. I said nothing. This completely blew my mind about the concept of being ONE and being connected. I told her Sunday night what transpired.


RGR_9549I took this the next day. in the same manner and place it happened.

I kept going to the place of “what should I be doing, what is the right thing to do”. Finally, Saturday evening I could no longer sit and began to write and correct the DMP. I just stopped with a quietness like no other. I realized I was looking for approval of others to ensure the things being done would look right. I could see how this is and has been a huge hindrance in my life.

I was here not to impress anyone but to learn something about myself. Well it’s time to go to the store and get some food for My Wonderful Raphaela. I went and since I’ve been practicing being present now-here, I thought Great. Normally I would be friendly and making comments and talking without end in sight. I felt awkward and she would be of help by explaining I made a Vow of silence. Now I felt handicapped, Appreciative of her help, but walking in a terrain totally foreign to me.

We got back and I picked up a Gideon bible left there by a Church. It had some Ideas and questions that I could look up and I did. I first last week had prayed for Wisdom and Truth and that my Gift be set out in clear terms. The first passage I was taken to and read was James 1:5-6 “If any of you lack wisdom, Let him ask………….. OMG there is the same thing as the ROCK given me.

I began to Sit with a whole different set of Ideals present. My emotions are so charged up at that point, if you would have poked me with a needle I would have blown up. The desires I have; begun to flow in groups of visions. I was thinking so quickly I thought my fasting was melting my brain. Then I see myself on a stage giving a talk to thousands and I could write down the words, well I’ve almost finished that. I could see the method of getting there. I can feel my gift in CLEAR terms and the tears messed that up, now everything was blurry for a while.

During a quiet moment, I could feel a level of Peace unmatched in my entire Life. I know that it is not the place we chose to come to. We created it before we arrived. I know there is UGLY out there but I choose to see the BEAUTY and the MIRACLES that surrounds in every moment. I’m so blessed that I was maintaining the vow of silence or I would have started yelling till I passed out. I have no need to look outside of myself to find peace. I hold that within me and take it wherever I go.


The experience of this weekend will fill stories the rest of my life. I gave it all here and planting that; was given more back in a level of abundance that my words or visions can’t express. Or I’d be here writing a novel not a blog. When I broke the silence after 48 hours, I leaned over to my Wonderful Raphaela and said “I Love You Sweetheart” ending the salience as I started it. The Joyful face she had is what I have always been searching for when I take pictures of her. At least I know how to do it again.

I pray the Truth you seek, finds you where you are. I found it to have  always been there.


Week 22 When Peace has fallen on you, what do you say?


I watched the webinar this past Sunday. Frankly I thought Mark had lost it. Doesn’t he know we have this busy life we have created. I have never done such a thing for just me in my life. I have excuses so justified I could have gone to court. Then at some point, my heart shifted and I asked for help from my Wonderful Raphaela.


The idea or vision I had was to go up to a Retreat we have previously visited last year. I sensed Fear of the Unknown. I asked that she help me get the week end. I looked at my calendar and decided to do this no matter what. She found the number and I called and got reservations for Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Then I decided to fast the entire time.

I desire to live in the Present Now-Here, so I did not allow myself to experience the weekend while I’m still home. I asked the Holy Spirit for the Wisdom, Truth, and for the Gift that I’ve been given to be brought out in a clear term. Truth be told here, FEAR is present in me as I am putting this together and doing the small things needing to be done.

Then from nowhere I received a sense of Peace about this Plan/Vision I have. I need paper and a pen to write. I know the answers I seek will be found because I am “working and being that which I want”. Very much like wanting more Love in my Life is not enough, I must BE more Loving to get that. Wisdom is preparing me for this Silence. I am in AWE of how this is coming together, mentally & physically & even more Spiritually.

At this moment as I sit and write, my spirit is in full Gratitude mode. Thankful for this lesson of FEAR, crushed by Love, and correct desire to attain the most I AM. The feeling that I Know this will go well is kinda weird. Strangely I know this is not coming from me. Yes, my study/focus Virtue for the week is Taking Initiative.


I realize many of the ridiculous exercises we’ve done have brought out the best in me. I have formed habits and released many if not all of the bad habits. The total effect has brought me this lesson this week, and it’s not in the course, it is in my life.

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” – – JFK


Your days be full of Joy, Laughter, and Happy



Week 21 Can we be too HAPPY?


I went to read the blog of my mastermind buddy Dan Linkert. He had a simple and wonderful idea at the end. “So! What makes you Happy?”

OK I thought about that for a day. At first I was looking out there for all kinds of things I really enjoy doing. That wasn’t it. So I looked within, and discovered something new. I normally am Happy and then everything around me just makes me Happier.

I was focused on an event in my house Wednesday. My 4-year-old granddaughter’s birthday. My daughter Ashley put up a bounce house in the living room. I heard the motor fire up and make all kinds of strange noises. I went to look and the thought I had was how delightful. I went and got the camera to take some pictures. Kids are being kids and having fun. Then wonderful Raphaela (my wife) gets home.

Here is that picture. Kids turned on the Super Kid thingy. Attack Grandma


So I’m reading the question Dan made and I am working on the idea of; did that make me Happy? Well yes. But the real truth here is I’ve been working on making this family more Loving by being more Loving, creating a more harmonious home by being more harmonious. So to one degree I am doing something by planting Love and reaping Loving & Happy events like this.

Creating an environment of harmony doesn’t Make something happen. For me I see that working towards the natural Love we have at birth, is the place we should be. We are created to be a Loving Being. When I’m there, and I’m not always. I am available to be Happy and spread more Love and Happiness. So basically I’m against the word “MAKE” when I feel we earn this happiness by being where we should be in the first place.

Just in case you’re bored someday. Put a bounce house in the Livingroom and invite some kids over; OMG. You will never believe the fun that can generate one little thing like this.


For my buddy Dan. What a delightful question you proposed and gave me a HAPPY day to search for Truth. For that Dan I thank You. I’m blessed to have such friends who plant Love in my Life. I can hardly wait to go to Canada and meet Mr. Dan.



Week 20 – Feeling a little SELFISH


Many months ago a friend died and my emotions got the best of me. Being in the class I asked for help and received just that. I was able to embrace the emotions which I’ve tried to hide all of my life. I wrote a Press Release about ME. Yes, this was a hurdle I had to climb over. Now the emotions are of my greatest strengths I own.

In the Lesson we are on this month. I took the wisdom hidden the words and searched for all of the meaning I could possible squeeze out. In the heart felt sense of helping others and giving something of myself. I took a step towards a vision I have had for a long time.

I rewrote the Press Release as I lay there dead. My friend Melissa is reading the Life Statement that I’ve feared to say aloud with few exceptions. The subject of death is uncomfortable at best and unwanted most if not all the time. To keep things true to my heart I left nothing out. I made it simple as the vision I’ve had for a long time.

As I restore the being I was born as. I have had so much emotions and feelings that I was afraid that the past would come back to haunt me. Now I have understood the perceptions of things was the problem, nothing else. The Limits I held were self-imposed. The creations in my mind were mostly from fear. I now create what I desire and I do that with Love leading the way.

I live with Love as my emotion of choice. I hide from nothing and know many things are out there. The world that I see now has always been there. I no longer look back in frustration and ask why? I take this day, this moment and experience Life to the fullest in everything I do. When I give my time with my family by being present now here, the Love is uncontainable within. I must give that away; my vessel is too full.

At work, many changes have taken place. Many more to come. By being present and now here, there is no room for fear. As I engage others, I give them my peace and we are better. I am just happy all the time and actually know why.

Perception of things is a choice we can make. Everything that occurs within us or in the without. We can choose how we wish to deal with it. We are being shown many ways as in the Tools they use to teach us to keep us BUSY. I have chosen to look deep within the meaning of the lesson and then GIVE everything I’ve got to earn that experience.

“Give more Get More” has a different meaning than that it had when I first heard it. I have no words to share how I see it now. I do assure you though I live what I see and understand now here.

Blessings in Your Life for all





Week 19 – So many things Touch ME

            I have not the time to write of each event in my week. So many things touch me. I spend much of my time focusing all of my energy to stay in the present moment. I do not do this to be recognized. This week I got caught. The day touched me, and left me knowing the path and success of my work is beyond all of the words I’ve written down.

I think in pictures to begin with. I love to write, yet that which I see is not words. So I ask you forgive this post. As I work on bringing out a simple event on Tuesday of this week. I can feel and see the event so clearly yet when I start to write I lose the meaning somewhere. I am attempting to describe the explosion in my spirit, filled with Love, sharing it with others, and results that have staggered my essence of thought.

Tuesday, I drove to my first service call in the Dulles Airport. I listened to my recording all the way there. I took out my bag of tools, and computer & case with a large dolly to carry everything. I met my escort Ananda who is from Sri Lanka, India. We went through security, walked and talked for a while, rode a bus, walked about a quarter mile when. Ananda stopped me so excited, and faced me. He said “you have been mediating this whole time, I can sense it with your rhythmic breathing? I said “yes, is this something you desire to learn?”

The Look on Ananda’s face of utter excitement and then he said, “I’ve never been able to do it and I’ve read so much about it.” I asked him “to grab my arm, we will do what it is you have such a desire to learn and BE” I slowed my pace and the path is a long one and I told him not to think of breathing, that comes on its own. Now see, the people, carpet, windows, everything that is moving and that which is not. Bring yourself to right now. You can only BE in one place at a time. (Law of Substitution)”

I told him every day he can add something else. But the idea is to BE in the present moment. When we arrived at the first location for me to do my thing. Ananda so amazed it was hard to just see him, he said “HOW DO YOU DO THAT?” Kind of stern I said “No, we just did that. And every day it gets better”. We spent most of my day there together as several places in the airport. We became friends and talked like we had been friends forever.

I was almost done with my thing and he packed me a lunch and placed it in my computer case. I honestly felt like crying right then. I could feel the Love he was sharing with me. As we left to take me back to security to check my tools back out, we practiced together all the way back. He could not even speak; I can’t describe how that feels. To be part of someone’s dream and to have helped him realize it.

What I can say that focusing on the virtues and with Love in my heart, understanding that while we are operating in that space of life. We have no Law which binds us because as we’ve been taught this is adding to the world, this is changing the world. It may be only one person at a time. But to be there and to be that person empowers you. When I see that some small activity grows and grows, I can feel the Law of Growth moving within me and others.


Week 18 – Walking in the NOW

I read Robert D Watkins Post about Pretending to Understand. So instead of just reading it, I sought to understand how I could apply this. I heard and wrote down the question, from the webby. I did not take it as an exercise that had this level of meaning.

Today I went to work, I drive from one service call to the next and sometimes get parts. I do drive from point to point. I have been in a Hyper Aware mode and use a Mindfulness technique of noticing every little detail of the moment to keep my thoughts from going into the future or the past.

So I’m driving 50 -70 MPH, listening to my recordings with music, tapping my fingers, and noticing everything around me, heat, light, clouds, nature, people, buildings my van, my breath. This is empowering and helps train the brain. I can only handle about 4,000,000,000 connections at a time in my Brain. Info from week 4 webby. So please don’t think this is somehow overloading me.

So let’s get to the point of the Question. “What am I pretending not to Know – to See – to Understand – to Observe.? Now I’m faced with a wonderful thought I don’t like. I don’t want to. No. I genuinely looked at the activities by the second to observe my thoughts. I was stunned how many things I refuse to or pretend not to see.

I had to go back to the beginning and remind my little self – (that one hiding from Seeing) that I am in this process for rest of my life and I want to come to the beginning (some call it the end of this class) with every tool in hand not just the ones I like, ALL of them

So what does the lessons teach us to do here? THINK. OK I gave it 5 and was done. “I don’t like that” visualize a fist fight in the mind. I went there with my old blue print, and that which I intend to become. Oh I could taste the fury. Mark J spoke of this, well not quite like this. By bringing this little question to my awareness, I have begun to defeat this resistance.

As we fight to BE better and Powerful beings & search for the perfect Ideal, expect this difficulty to be no more than a Blessing and perfect Opportunity. Where did I read that one?

I have resolved to BE here and answer the question and the new one OMG. Mark – where do you come up with this stuff. “What would the person I intend to become do Next. Then to make things worse my virtue for this week’s focus is Enthusiasm. So here’s how that went.

I’ve asked myself over 100 times today just that. With Enthusiasm and laughing like a monkey in the Zoo. I am that person and as I ask what are you going to do now Mister Robert. So far I am so happy it just knocks some people right out of there zone.

Laughing me


Today I had a call with a client, I’ve not seen for more than a year. We’ve been like friends since we’ve met. He is a Restaurant Owner and busy like a Bee. Well he came and we shook hands and he asked how I’ve been doing. I said I can’t say. This is my week to focus on Enthusiasm and That would take Hours. I told him what’s happening in my life and how happy I am. He wanted to know more and we stayed talking for the entire hour and he helped me all the while. The compliment he gave me, touched me. When I was leaving and he shook my hand he said, “Thank You for coming by today and being of service to this restaurant, to me and I’ll always hold you in my spirit for this meeting today. Thank You. You have changed so dramatically and are so happy, but did you notice everyone in this place is listening to us.” I said “Yes, and if I could brighten up the day of One what not all”. I almost had to cry right then and there I was so moved to see the entire staff in back where we were, was just standing there watching.

How do you leave that kind of Love, and go back to work? Mark J. says it pretty grand “I Love a Mystery”.

