I finished up at work and was headed home. My mind and Spirit filled with anticipation and plans of exactly what I’m going to do. Then MY Wonderful Raphaela sent me a text. “I can go” which meant she didn’t have to work on Saturday and wanted to go with me. My first reaction was Grrrrrrr. In my DMP I wrote “I choose how to react to any experience in Life. So in that momentary GAP I choose to Love my Wife First and respect her desire as well. My answer was “OK with me”

We arrived home and packed the things needed and headed down the road, about 90 miles. The director at the Retreat was not there to give us a Key and the room. We decided to go to a nearby Motel. We arrived at the room and I said “I have to go Pee” (drinking a lot of water for the Fast) Wonderful Raphaela asked if that was going to be my final words. Which I said no. What I did say was “I Love You Sweetheart”

Thus; began the silence. The Fasting had already started. The Noise is gone. I went to a comfortable chair and decided to start here with a Sit. I did not set the timer because I always do that. This time I’m doing everything without the limits. I was so relaxed and at peace and shut the noise off so perfectly that I feel asleep. I awoke when the director of the Retreat responded to a message we left. She took the call and I was able to begin again with the disturbance going on. I went to the Law of Relaxation and surrendered to an understanding that no place would ever be without disturbances because I would be there and I breath and eat, and move to do just that.

This was the most pleasant and Joy filled Sit & Meditation I’ve ever experienced to this point. I have no idea how long I sat there or if I was even awake all of the time. At some point I got up and joined my wife in bed and slept.

Saturday, we checked into the Retreat and this was where I had a vision of the


peacefulness here would Give me something special. I Sat for a while and became very restless and wrote a note to say “Let’s go for a walk” – She is talking and says “Yes”. The property is big and we walked around it. I thought of bringing home a rock that would remind me of this special weekend. My wonderful Raphaela in that moment bent over and picked up a broken, and squared looking rock and handed it to me. I said nothing. This completely blew my mind about the concept of being ONE and being connected. I told her Sunday night what transpired.


RGR_9549I took this the next day. in the same manner and place it happened.

I kept going to the place of “what should I be doing, what is the right thing to do”. Finally, Saturday evening I could no longer sit and began to write and correct the DMP. I just stopped with a quietness like no other. I realized I was looking for approval of others to ensure the things being done would look right. I could see how this is and has been a huge hindrance in my life.

I was here not to impress anyone but to learn something about myself. Well it’s time to go to the store and get some food for My Wonderful Raphaela. I went and since I’ve been practicing being present now-here, I thought Great. Normally I would be friendly and making comments and talking without end in sight. I felt awkward and she would be of help by explaining I made a Vow of silence. Now I felt handicapped, Appreciative of her help, but walking in a terrain totally foreign to me.

We got back and I picked up a Gideon bible left there by a Church. It had some Ideas and questions that I could look up and I did. I first last week had prayed for Wisdom and Truth and that my Gift be set out in clear terms. The first passage I was taken to and read was James 1:5-6 “If any of you lack wisdom, Let him ask………….. OMG there is the same thing as the ROCK given me.

I began to Sit with a whole different set of Ideals present. My emotions are so charged up at that point, if you would have poked me with a needle I would have blown up. The desires I have; begun to flow in groups of visions. I was thinking so quickly I thought my fasting was melting my brain. Then I see myself on a stage giving a talk to thousands and I could write down the words, well I’ve almost finished that. I could see the method of getting there. I can feel my gift in CLEAR terms and the tears messed that up, now everything was blurry for a while.

During a quiet moment, I could feel a level of Peace unmatched in my entire Life. I know that it is not the place we chose to come to. We created it before we arrived. I know there is UGLY out there but I choose to see the BEAUTY and the MIRACLES that surrounds in every moment. I’m so blessed that I was maintaining the vow of silence or I would have started yelling till I passed out. I have no need to look outside of myself to find peace. I hold that within me and take it wherever I go.


The experience of this weekend will fill stories the rest of my life. I gave it all here and planting that; was given more back in a level of abundance that my words or visions can’t express. Or I’d be here writing a novel not a blog. When I broke the silence after 48 hours, I leaned over to my Wonderful Raphaela and said “I Love You Sweetheart” ending the salience as I started it. The Joyful face she had is what I have always been searching for when I take pictures of her. At least I know how to do it again.

I pray the Truth you seek, finds you where you are. I found it to have  always been there.


28 thoughts on “Week 22A – – THE BATTLE OF SILENCE

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Debbie, You know for sure that when We ask for Wisdom, in Truth. We receive it if we so choose to see it and open our hearts to truly receive it. Well I did that and the effect of the ALL IN work did a wonderful creative and harmonious event. I’m still processing the blast of information and emotions
      Love for you and the Family in abundance that only God knows how to send



  1. masterkeybrony

    Oh Master Robert that is so wonderful that you allowed that fantastic vision to come forth in the silence. Absolutely fantastic! How great it must feel to have such a connection to your higher vision. Very exciting times ahead.:-)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Brony, You are so wonderful in so many ways. The Silence and the experience still has me in a cocoon of thoughts. Not even in my wildest vision could I think that so many things could possibly happen in that short period of time. But we all keep shifting and adjusting like we’ve done in class.When Davene said the first time “Give more Get more” all I heard was cute words. Now every week of unfolding the power we hold, and restoring the being I was created to be. Now those same words I live each moment.

      Be as Happy as you make all of us.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. masterkeybrony

        What a wonderful way to put it… a cocoon of thoughts… so amazing that it is seeping into your being to be experienced and lived every day! you rock master robert! so so happy for you!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Vera, WOW is what I felt. I read you blog and could not comment yet. That was painful for me to loose my MammaWren. and many years to sort it out. I loved that you celebrated the wonderful woman she was.

      Her Love is eternal in all of you, enjoy that



  2. dominica8

    thank you.
    SUCH an inspiring and moving post! just simply brilliant.
    and I feel so so happy for you that you found this space inside you, in a funny way, I actually feel kind of ‘relieved’ and suddenly breath even with more ease myself…..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Dominica, Thank You. the space found is very close to the person I was as when I was born. Feeling completely Restored and Ready, I know the class ends soon and we all wonder what????. Let’s all keep in touch and mastermind to be the strongest we all can be.If you have any concerns of which I can be of help to you or others – just let me know.

      Love and more Love for all you Love



  3. masterkeymartin

    Hi Robert, I was away, so only read your previous post and this one now. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. You have taken this up to a higher level. Well done. May your life continue to unfold in magnificence.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Martin, I can say many things, ONE for certain. When you decide to give it all – Then you actually do the work. The effect can and did for me – blew my expectations off the charts.
      We all have so much to be Grateful for, but how can We be extra Grateful for such a marvelous experience as this. I just share the Love and it comes back and I share the Love and it comes back, and on and on and on…………………………………..

      Be of Good Cheer My Friend and super cape carrying Accountant



  4. mommamccracken

    Well, you got tears. My family is always proud if they get tears, because it meant that the card they gave me or gift meant so much to me. You are lucky to have your lovely wife supporting you so. I was not trying very hard to think about how to arrange a couple of days of silence but I think after reading your blog and getting to hear from you this evening on our Tuesday Night Training call, I will start to make plans for 2 days of quiet. Linda has been offline for a couple of days as well, so I am sure you will have lots to discuss and I am grateful to be able to listen in. Connie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Connie, So much has happened this week and Gratitude is my thought I stay with. I have so much to be thankful for, and I am thankful. By the way you Live and act, the days you get for silence/quiet will be deserved and of great Value for YOU. Tears was something I feared for most of my life. Now I see that emotion and power as Strength and I’m so grateful for it. I pray Linda has everything she seeks in her quiet days. Mostly we find what has been there all along and learn to see things much differently.

      Make sure Dan shares the “HAPPY” movie with you all

      May the Lord bless you and your Family in all you do



    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Terri, to have had the support of my wife was unexpected and unwanted at a point. But surrendering to the reality of the weekend. I don’t think I could have asked for any better person there. The being silent can be done anywhere any tiime with everyone there. What came out special for me was when I realized that went deeper and deeper into the reason I went there in the first place. Now I know I can do that same thing at a rock concert, maybe I would not choose to go there, but I’m capable of it. Fasting the entire time helped also.
      Blessing and Joy for you



  5. dannycl

    Well Robert! You really did it this time!
    Your tears made it all the way to Wilberforce Canada. Dam that was beautiful! I can honestly say there hasn’t been many a man who can yank a tear out of me, but you my friend made the reading blurry.
    Thank You. and
    Thanks to the Wonderful Lovely Raphaela

    Liked by 1 person

  6. masterkeyrea Post author

    Dan, My Friend, Thank You. The experience was so full of emotions and wonder. Tears were minor in comparison to the whole of the weekend, When you get to take some time and be silent, all you prepared for will go right out the window.. I pray you are able to experience this soon. You can set it up by walking to a far corner of the house and just practice being silent and know true silence does not exist in nature. So the Place is not the Key. You are



  7. MKMMAwendyht

    BRAVO Robert!!!! What a glorious blog post! I’m so thrilled for you and your Wonderful Raphaela!! Enjoy the rest of your journey, reflecting what you gained from your 48 hours of silence. Mahalo for sharing your story so openly. Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Wendy, Thank You for wonderful comments always. Yes the 48 hours was Stunning and still not settled in with all that I learned and that happened. Little things made such a difference and I was able to see each one of them. This made quite a change and I couldn’t be happier.

      Be Happy and I pray you also find what you seek in all Truth.



    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Yvette, that was one emotional weekend and had a lot of moments that still have me processing and digging even deeper into my final push at total Restoration of who I was born as. Thank You and let’s stay in contact with all after the class has come to an end. I working at finding a complete path of information for the wellness & Truth about Cancer I plan on making it Blog style with a billion links, and I’ve seen one with the format.
      Be Silent, happy and Healthy


      Liked by 1 person

  8. masterkeyrexp

    I am relieved you didn’t start your silence with “I have to pee” (relieved sounded so appropriate)… and yes, I did laugh out loud. Thank you for sharing such a powerful experience. Your words give encouragement to many who have yet to make such a multi-day commitment (myself included). I cannot express my gratitude enough….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Goodness, Rex, now I just had to laugh til the tears were falling. I wasn’t thinking of how the words would sound, I just put down as it happened. I need to watch that next time. Yes the experience was power packed and I’m still dealing and processing that weekend now a week later. The minor details were troublesome at first because I’ve never done that before. As we end the class and Begin the new side of the journey is what now excites me. Stay in contact afterwords

      Blessing and Love for all of you


      Liked by 1 person

  9. masterkeyrea Post author

    Well Rex, it wasn’t so much nothingness. I had a battle going on at times. The pieces have not come completely together, as they are I’m left in awe. Yesterday in point. A mother asked I mentor her son who is in deep self doubt. To make it short I wound up using the talk I plan to use I was given during the silence to be in front of thousands. I did not practice it or have it finished on paper. The reaction of this young man Startled his mom.It was so favorable that she asked “how did that happen” in front of her son. I felt that which came out of me was a tad harsh (you know that already) but it was the TRUTH and I said as much. He accepted my invitation to be a friend and Mentor and to come with my wife and I to church and help him search for answers. I did say we will find nothing out there that what he seeks is WITHIN.
    So this actually added to the weekend of Silence, was part of it, I know that and really have a hard time explaining it to even my wife who asked on the way home last night.




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