An event in my life happened on Friday at the end of our combined study and Mastermind work with Kindness. I was driving to my Office to get a part I needed for next service call. My supervisor heard me come in and called me into his office. He created an argument where there was none. At some point he asked me to “step outside for a minute”. I was confused and went anyway. He became very angry and this is normally when his abuse causes many in the recent past to quit.

I told him he was giving me a headache, because I needed to get away from him. I got into my company van and was about to leave and he assaulted the van trying to get me out. I went home and called his Supervisor. I stayed home the rest of the day. I was very upset and angry. Decided to slow down and think this through. I was able to sleep that night. I heard “The Call” to do something. My fear and wanting to conform or just to give in was present. “The refusal to answer the Call” I could most likely lose my job and cause unknown heart ache in my life. I prayed and waited for confirmation of what I wanted to do as being the right path.

The next day I got up and worked nonstop 17 hours+, completing my service calls. My thoughts were to focus everything I have on ONE goal. “stop this abuse to others”. I meditated on that for that day and the next. Every cell in my being concentrated on that single thought. Sunday night I sat down and completed what I knew was my plan of action in an email to be sent to several in my company.


I began to write an email. At some point of extreme focusing of my entire being towards the one single goal; I hit the SEND button. The Fear was immense because I was beyond turning back now, “this was like dying to me” My heart sank knowing my existence with this company could end here. I risked everything on one thought “Stop this abuse to others” (PPN – Helping Others) Then with my Faith & knowledge being applied. “MKMMA was my helper”  I got up and allowed my being to be detached from the outcome. The emotions I felt were so powerful, yet brought a Peace to me Within. “This is the rebirth”

Monday morning, and the next 2 days were so full of action. Time and words would not even touch all of the events. Tuesday, the new manager came in. He dismissed my supervisor of his position (completely in secret).  Many thought they would close the office and send us down the road. I got a lot of phone calls with fear and “What If’s” Finally it was communicated that a meeting would be for all of the Branch to be at a meeting Wednesday morning at 8:00AM. No agenda given. The Fear was so high with my coworkers that I began to doubt, but did not crumble under this FEAR.

Wednesday morning came and I sat there completely aware that I was responsible for this and was ready, I thought at that moment. My existence with this company was in the hands of this man I’ve never met before.

This manager named Steve, began to speak. I was hit with a completely unexpected outcome relating to the actions of the past week. The manager with which I had an issue was no longer a manager(35 years with the company). We are all now in an expanded version of our Branch. Steve and I sat down after the meeting and discussed my concerns and actions, as well as the rest one by one spoke and gave their concerns. Everything was resolved to our combined desires. We are facing some changes in the way our daily work happens. Since talking to all; these changes are welcomed. “Transformation”

I stepped aside and Forgave Bill in silence since he was not there. I also forgave myself for allowing my anger/emotions to be out of control.  That was “Atonement” I thanked God for answering the prayer, and bringing about a condition of WIN WIN to our office. “that is the Return”

I applied the knowledge I have learned in the MKMMA with such power that I am grateful, and blown right out of my socks. (this was my Helper along the way). I have an experience that to have the knowledge and to apply it properly brings about effects with tremendous Power. I had a difficult time to bring myself to this page and explain it.

Doing so; is not for me.

I desire that you know what we are doing on this Journey in the MKMMA has in it, exactly what you give. I gave everything I had to this event, I received so much more than I actually know how to explain. It is still unfolding at a speed that words have no design to encompass it’s full meaning. I can remember exactly how Davene said “give more & get more” in a lesson. My understanding was not in the words she spoke. My thought was how exactly am I going to DO that. The description of this event shows you that if we build into our being; strength. The Day you need it, even though it’s scary; that strength is there for you to use as you will.

I pray we all use our Strength and this Power, Properly for the Good of Others.



28 thoughts on “Week 17 H J Part 2 – MY MINI HERO’S JOURNEY

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Vera, Thank You The path was not told as being easy and secure. The risk scared me at times. Looking back I see the little steps in class as my Knowledge that was Applied here on this Journey. Mostly I’m happy with the result of how this Helping Others (PPN) brought Peace to my coworkers.


    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Brony Thank You, As I look at it like I wasn’t involved, from the outside if you will. I see the PPN of “helping Others” brought the event to a Harmonious and Powerful conclusion. The focus was not on me, I was part of it. I am most happy with the single fact I learned something so dynamic that I’m still kinda of Stunned. We are learning and walking in Powerful information/Knowledge I did what I’ve learned here and surrendered to the Effect. The Subby/God took it from there. The outcome I did not control.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. mkmmacolin

    Good for you pal. In situations like these, we need to keep a cool head. If we can think things through and determine the best course of action, its usually the right move. Your gut was telling your clearly what needed to be done. There was risk involved, and there was also a good possibility for positive change. It was a long time coming, and you did your homework. Congrats on stepping into your power; not by force, but by mind. You thought your way through, took appropriate action, and created a positive transformation. Thank you for sharing this, a great example of peaceful power.


  2. masterkeyrexp

    Congratulations Robert, you are a hero to many! It takes courage and strength, and having done what you did will give you more. My experience with managers, and being a manager, is that it helps us to understand how NOT to treat people. If you lead them, empower them, the results are staggering. Remember this as you build your network marketing business. Treat everyone as a superstar, you never know when they will decide to get busy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Rex, Thank You, I just read your post and I loved the list especially the “I can fix almost anything.”- I’m one of those to. I have been a Manger and did very well because I use and believe in WIN-WIN, very much like what you state in the reply. It’s difficult to always do, but is possible. The reason I was searching for this class was; I joined a networking Marketing business and could not deal with the 1/2 TRUTHS and unethical behavior. Now that I’ve got to a point I am shedding the person I’ve become in this world. I’m doing my job in Network Marketing with integrity and set up WIN-WIN only relationships. It’s worked out great and I’m learning that being honest and caring is better to attract people, then some of the past associated I’ve seen. That is a long story.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. masterkeyrea Post author

        Rex, Thank You. I could not agree with you more. I’ve seen more happen from the base of a good relationship than any other way.


  3. lindasue88

    I have great respect for how you were both right in the center of this experience, with all it’s significant possible ramifications, and able to have perspective & learning, too. Thank you for sharing both sides with us. Very valuable for me to read your Hero’s Journey overlay.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Linda, Thank You, I’ve found this mini Journey a great lesson for me. The Coworkers are doing much better now, some are still stunned. Our new environment of WIN WIN with clients and each other is so refreshing – My Joy is exploding. The conversations I’ve had with family, friends and coworkers, clients – is never ending. Being present Mindful and in the Now has brought/earned such Power. I don’t keep reliving the event, instead we/I find ways to make our lives better. ( I Love that, PPN Helping Others).


  4. mommamccracken

    I was wondering if you would share your story. Very good insight and if we call could stand up and help each other like you – what a wonderful world this would be. Glad to have become a small part of your life circle. Keep spreading your caring. Connie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Connie, Thank You. Yes sharing was a dilemma of whether or not it was to help others or myself. I was reading some different blogs and realized this story might help someone struggling to Give more of themselves to get up over the wall.


  5. Bob Watkins

    Such a wonderful story of the hero coming back to the tribe, despite the inclination to ignore the herald’s call! Well done my friend and to the benefit of many in your company to be certain. I am proud to have you as an example to follow and recollect your action despite the fear, just do it! Well said, well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. masterkeyrea Post author

    Bob, Thank You, This event changed the dynamic in the company of Fear and complying to this abusive person. We are living a new Ideal of Win Win. I am so proud of our people who joined together and shook off this event and are now working Harmoniously. I still live in the mystery of how exactly it all took place. I can say this, we are becoming much more in our Journey here in the MKMMA when we take the Ideals we learn, apply them in our lives and hold on the the reality of the Effect. It can be one heck of a Ride.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. debarnell

    Robert…wow! I mean WOW! You answered the call! You did all the steps and you helped your whole company! Way to take the journey! Give more; Get More is so right! Something I loved from the webby today, it’s not a problem…it’s an opportunity! You saw this! You overcame your fear!
    This is Awesome and Awe Inspiring! Thank you sir!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Debbie, Thank You. For such a short period of time. So much happened. Much benefit for all concerned. My wonderful Raphaela & I were talking about the past two weeks. I was so happy when she actually saw that the work I’ve been doing was what gave me the strength to face this in the manner that I did. I did reply by saying that so many including you were mentoring me in such a powerful way to shed the person I’ve become and dare to embrace the one you actually are. She is content with the path and does understand I am working on this with the Faith that’s its already done. We talked about the end of the class, I laughed. I said. “Sweetheart this that you see is only the beginning and it’s getting better every minute – the class may end, but does not mean I can’t continue with improving my life, our family lives, Our Great world” great conversation and building our relationship in a whole new way now.


  8. dannycl

    Robert. WOW! What a powerful and thought controlled experience! Even if you where uncertain to the outcome you executed it flawlessly. Remind me never to get in your way. 🙂 Just kidding. LOL Bravo! My brother. May we all succeed as you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. masterkeyrea Post author

    Dan, Thank You. At some point we have no guarantees of anything and we must risk. I risked the Hobart existence on this. I concentrated every cell/thought in one partial sentence, “Stop this abuse to others”. When I was at the point of no return, I did entertain fear. And most of the coworkers were out of there minds with FEAR and “what If……….” So much has changed for the better. Tonight is a perfect example. I’m on call again and the Service advisor who is actually my boss for now said “If you are tired Todd S, started late and can come and run the call for you. Never been offered that before. We are instilling my Ideal of WIN-WIN for Clients, coworkers, with the blessing of the Top supervisor I deal with. Well I’m getting ready for the DC webby. We need to work on the DMP and I’m taking out all symbols at the moment and that’s my “idea” for the week. Seems when I get that “idea” I’m unstoppable.


  10. Dennis

    Wow – what a story! I could feel being right beside you as you related the sequence of events. Congratulations on taking the high road of courage and not conformity. Justice prevailed and in the end what was best for all involved (whether they believe it yet or not) was the result. A fine example of stellar leadership!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. masterkeyrea Post author

    Dennis, Thank You. Yes that was a powerful lesson and a rough ride at the same time. Looking back and what can be learned from it, was where I came from to relay this post. Actually everyday at the Branch its getting better and we are truly working from the BPB IDEAL of “WIN_WIN” or “we are to engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects.” They did ask for my/our input. this Statement is what I put in and was adopted by all. Of course I sent the “IDEAL” to everyone” first and ask if they could work in that kind of environment. I was not amazed when I asked for what I DO WANT, because it is in Harmony with doing things the right way for the right reason. Thank You for your ever so kind words.


  12. jenorator79

    WOW! That is powerful stuff. It is wonderful that you acknowledge the power within you in such a tangible and useful way. I am going to apply this power within me to help my son and I get over our colds by focusing only on health.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Jen, Thank You for the Kindness. I was sick with the flu and never slowed down at all. I have a super effective and simple recipe for colds and the like. Take 4 organic Lemons, A good sized chunk of ginger and slice and alternate both of them in a Glass container. Pour over Raw Organic Honey and wait about 24 hours and it turns into a syrup with the chunks visible. Make a tea, whatever and add a couple of tablespoons of the syrup and do this for 2 days and BAM it’s gone. The Recipe is thousand of years old but still works better than any synthetic drug in existence. Hug that son and that makes it HOLISTIC Healing. Just so you know.


  13. masterkeymartin

    Wow, Robert. Your courageous actions, for the benefit of all, at risk to yourself, speaks volumes of your character shows you have discovered your authentic self. MK Week 18′ intro (par 2,3 AND 4) sums up how you responded, although you wouldnt have read it, when you wrote this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Martin, Thank You, for being so generous with your Kind words. I appreciate that. I’m finding some of what’s happening real strange that even though I’ve not seen the information – – – – things are manifesting in my life. The reality of us being connected is proving to be true and very tangible for me. My thought at this present moment is that I have achieved in restoring the person I was under all the cement from the person I had chosen to Become. because of the very emotional person that I am; my memory is Great. I feel that much of what is happening in me, is who I’ve always been. I was a creative boy, with an imagination that most ridiculed me for. Plan words I feel “RESTORED” & on fire like never before.



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