Week 25 – Transition & Transformation


Today I went to a Movie “God’s not Dead 2” With my Wonderful Raphaela and 5 of our friends from our choir at church. The movie was very well made and we all had moments of sharing tears during this most touching movie.


As we left we were talking like very excited people. We all enjoyed the movie. My thought was what a wonderful opportunity to Practice and Observe myself engaged with friends. My idea for weeks now has been to focus on areas of weakness and improve. I chose to observe myself with: Law of Least Effort: Defenselessness.

We decided to go to the food court and everyone will choose food that pleases them. We got distracted a little and laughed like children.


The conversation was eloquent, deep, funny and at times serious.  I made a statement of my belief, of which my Wonderful Raphaela does not agree with me completely. I said, “we are all one, even when the differences that we see are obvious, in our spirit we are connected with the Creator, made in his image. When we focus on that difference; that grows in us, and we are unable to LOVE truly the one we just judged”

I almost wanted an argument at that point, and expected to have to defend my point of view. Instead I observed that I am presenting myself is such a way that I am accepted when I speak “MY TRUTH”. I was somewhat puzzled and pleased at the same time.


The words I practice and recite every day in my DMP. I live by them. I have had several hours to process this event and the progress that has been made in my life, is quite wonderful. I am grateful to so many and desire to share this GIFT I’ve received.

I listened to Master Key Lesson #2 today and the understanding of the words was breathtaking. I had to stop a few time and walk away with tears. Joyful and happy emotional tears. Grateful that the emotions that I detested most of my life are now holding me up with the strength of a Great Lion.

For me to be able to live with my emotions as I really am, has been the most welcomed benefit of the journey we have made together. The enthusiasm Mark keeps talking about, I have without measure.



I ask you Laugh enthusiastically with me this month. I desire we all be happier than the children, and leave them baffled……………………for once.




17 thoughts on “Week 25 – Transition & Transformation

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Loucas, Yes this is the month of learning to keep the laughter in focus. That is much easier now. For me when the trouble within was gone and the Joy was present, Life just got fun to be a part of again.
      Thank You and hugs to you and your wonderful Wife


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  1. dominica8

    so beautiful! and welcome to your wonderful and beautiful emotions!!! 😉
    yes, we ARE all one, undeniably, from my own feeling, and even when we are ‘in an argument’, I now see it as just one part of myself ‘questioning’ another to resolve or figure out something I did not yet (completely) understand or ‘accept’. And that too, actually is an act of Love.

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    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Such a pleasure to listen to your message. You seem to paint a picture for me to see and being visual anyway – just brings Happiness. The Love thing is so deep that I never want to leave again. As I Love and receive, and share, I have energy without end. Harmony in that state is absolutely effortless.As I am going back every day and studying from lesson 1 – 24 of the MK, I can slow my thinking down and grasp the words, and the meaning, and almost taste how delecious this topic is. I stopped asking WHY?? and now enjoy being Now-Here completely present with words of Old – that share a LOVE if one but looks to receive it.

      I DID


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  2. mommamccracken

    Good for you posting this week Robert. (I have to admit I took a break and got my income tax done instead) . I especially love the photo of the two boys giggling. I have always done a lot of laughing. To the point sometimes, that people roll their eyes at me, but others say they loved me for my laugh. I have also heard it can be quite infectious at times, and my husband laughs from another room when he hears me, even though he doesn’t even know what I am laughing at. LOL Anyway, I have also found the law of least effort one of the best cards I wrote. It was really a good finish to the course for me – very helpful.
    You look like you have wonderful friends Robert, and I look forward to having some belly laughs with you when you visit Canada. aye!!! a little Canadian talk for you there lol Connie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Yes indeed I have good friends and we are communicating on a whole different level now. I am continuing on with the next 4 lost lessons, and desire to be a Guide and assist in the March to 3000. All of which I see a marvelous method of helping Others.
      Visiting Canada and my new Friends will be painful if you like to Laugh. We are going to kill them from 2 sides. I can see it already. Fun & Laughter, then business and Laugh again.
      For me this month of OG and Laughing at the world. Fits perfectly.

      So how far away do you live from Dan? I almost need a map with little dots to figure it out.I have never been there. I’m going to New York August 5 – 8th to meet my Sister in law, from Germany. She is a extreamly subdued teacher and thinks I use to be to loud and laugh to loud. OMG how do I tell that got worse and extended???

      Greet all with a Hug for me, we might need to prepare them for some FUN



      1. mommamccracken

        Robert: I live northeast of Toronto by about 1 1/2 hours (about 2 1/2 – 3 hours) to Niagara Falls and Dan lives 1 1/2 to 2 hours north of me in Wilberforce Ontario between Haliburton and Bancroft. You could go to mapquest.com to see a map from your house to ours. Have fun in New York – will you see a play?

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  3. mommamccracken

    P.S. You will love God’s country where Dan lives – I spent my summers there growing up. Still dream about it. I have always loved to be by the water and northern Ontario is blessed with many lakes. A book was written about my area “Land of shining waters” We have a lake in the middle of our city, that has free concerts in the summer twice a week. I also love music, so I am really blessed with good friends, wonderful parks and water around me and loving family.

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    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Carole, Be glad I don’t break down the week and write about all the that I do that is different and measurable from before as better. My focus is to be stuck in the Present moment only. I am able to do that almost all day long. The excitement, enthusiasm and unending Joy, actually bugs some people. I do my job, knowing I going to replace it with something better soon. I live my life with family detached from the petty ordeals they attempt to bring me into. I’ve learned to speak very clearly what I want, How I can help. Perfect is not the anticipated result but Love and Harmony is for Others. They get that. Mean Daddy nobody liked him. Me nither.

      Thank You for stopping by with all you have to do. We Love you for that


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    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      What a better place to practice then with those who will call you out on the carpet and let you have it. Since I live in the Present, Fear from the past is gone, anxiety of the Future is also gone. Being with friends gives me a sounding board for measuring what I’m learning and thinking. Can it get much better than that??
      I’ve added to the learning, by continuing in the course, joining the March to 3000, and applying to be a Guide, Reading and doing Research in Health & wellness to spread this truth to the world. Funny part is that I’ve go so much energy now it is hard to sleep.

      Stay in touch, a mastermind of those who scratched there way to the end, is as good as it gets. We have given much and received much and have more to give because of all that.

      Blessings and Loads of Laughter be with you forever



    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      My sweet Friend Brony,
      Everytime I see that it is you I smile. I love the pictures of the work you do and the art at your shop. I love and admire Creativity and always have.
      To have made it through this course put you with the elite. Many quit and many allow the Fear to keep them from even trying. I Love them all. I respect the ones who walked this path of fire in strength and are still moving.
      This was hard at first for us all, we struggled with the daily grind of life and somehow got over the issues and climbed to the top of this Mountain. Like Carol Manzi who had such trouble with the kids and found a way. I can admire that and Love her all the more. This class is full of those examples. I walk Proud to be with you as well as the rest.

      Be all That is in your Heart & laugh enough to fill a couple of barrels each day.


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  4. dannycl

    Well Robert! I am marking the calendar.
    Not sure is Canada will ever be the same after you visit. LOL
    Think I will rest up long before your arrival.
    Laughter is the Best Medicine! If we don’t die laughing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Dan, I can hardly wait.Here is a busy week with getting prepared for the hosted site and all the rest moving so fast.

      Blessing with all the Happiness and Laughter to be CREATED




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