Week 20 – Feeling a little SELFISH


Many months ago a friend died and my emotions got the best of me. Being in the class I asked for help and received just that. I was able to embrace the emotions which I’ve tried to hide all of my life. I wrote a Press Release about ME. Yes, this was a hurdle I had to climb over. Now the emotions are of my greatest strengths I own.

In the Lesson we are on this month. I took the wisdom hidden the words and searched for all of the meaning I could possible squeeze out. In the heart felt sense of helping others and giving something of myself. I took a step towards a vision I have had for a long time.

I rewrote the Press Release as I lay there dead. My friend Melissa is reading the Life Statement that I’ve feared to say aloud with few exceptions. The subject of death is uncomfortable at best and unwanted most if not all the time. To keep things true to my heart I left nothing out. I made it simple as the vision I’ve had for a long time.

As I restore the being I was born as. I have had so much emotions and feelings that I was afraid that the past would come back to haunt me. Now I have understood the perceptions of things was the problem, nothing else. The Limits I held were self-imposed. The creations in my mind were mostly from fear. I now create what I desire and I do that with Love leading the way.

I live with Love as my emotion of choice. I hide from nothing and know many things are out there. The world that I see now has always been there. I no longer look back in frustration and ask why? I take this day, this moment and experience Life to the fullest in everything I do. When I give my time with my family by being present now here, the Love is uncontainable within. I must give that away; my vessel is too full.

At work, many changes have taken place. Many more to come. By being present and now here, there is no room for fear. As I engage others, I give them my peace and we are better. I am just happy all the time and actually know why.

Perception of things is a choice we can make. Everything that occurs within us or in the without. We can choose how we wish to deal with it. We are being shown many ways as in the Tools they use to teach us to keep us BUSY. I have chosen to look deep within the meaning of the lesson and then GIVE everything I’ve got to earn that experience.

“Give more Get More” has a different meaning than that it had when I first heard it. I have no words to share how I see it now. I do assure you though I live what I see and understand now here.

Blessings in Your Life for all





25 thoughts on “Week 20 – Feeling a little SELFISH

  1. debarnell

    “I take this day, this moment and experience Life to the fullest in everything I do.” I love this quote! I’d like to share it! This is one I have in my DMP…”I live and share that what life presents us, everyday, is a cherished gift!” Love it

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Debbie, Thank You and yes you may share anything, however it helps you or others. I see that stretching out and having the desire to help others, brings a thread back and powers my being. The complete detachment of outcome actually brings me back to the present, if I left at all. Debbie, I pray you and your family have a pleasant and peaceful week ahead – one day at a time.


  2. mommamccracken

    It is so good to see how well you are doing in this course. Being away for 20th anniversary conference has made me very behind this week, but always sure to make a point of seeing how you are doing. Connie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Connie, Thank you for your time. It is amazing how busy we can get. I stopped watching TV and listening to the radio before the class and wondered what I would do with my time. Now I have to schedule time for the family events and pull away from reading to talk with my little ones. I am most grateful for the benefit this has brought my family. We are more in harmony then ever before.


    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Terri, Thank You also, As I learn more each day about LOVE and the wonderful things it does in my life, I am filled with amazement and more LOVE. When I am completely present with Love I have no FEAR, NONE. Since most of my life I’ve lived in fear of my emotions, now that I don’t have that Fear, My emotions are my greatest strength. They charge my visions, my thoughts and bring things to past in the moment. Since I’m no longer placing limits on myself and the end of this class is near, I look forward to releasing everything I’ve got to making the world a little better; well really I’ve already started and don’t see an end of anything.


  3. masterkeybrony

    Thanks Master Rae! Choice is the word… Choice to react. Choice to use the law of substitution.. Choice. Choice. Choice. I now choose to be happy no matter what and this month of reading has given me the fuel to be more consciously aware from moment to moment. You rock Robert!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Brony, Thank You so much, Choosing thoughts and emotions and actions are strange at best. Once mastered, this can bring more than just results. I am Happy, I can give that to others who choose not to respond. Those who accept a gentle smile with Love in my heart need not hear a lot of words to feel the encounter went well. At church today we are given time to go around and greet others. I noticed a young girl who was not in the happy state. I reached out and offered my hand, said “thank you for getting all dressed up and coming to see me today”- I could feel the fire burning in her after that,, I could see the light in her face and her whole mood change. Later I was leaving and her Mom asked “what do you do. OMG she Happy”. My Wonderful Raphaela said “he just does that??? That was 2 compliments which I just said Thank You to.This kind of thing fills me with more Love and I can give it out…………….

      Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Don, Thank You and All of us are going places. We are all One. Let “LOVE” guide you completely for minutes of absolute focus. While you are with others doing something, not in the sense of multitasking but just being present in the moment. You slow down, you will hear better and listen better, and the Joy will be uncontrollable when you get even close to this. After you really get the understanding of being in this place, you no longer need to speak to convey power. I have a grandchild 2 years old, my proof of no words needed, by watching her reaction. Coworkers are a little intimidated by this but were invited to the next class.


    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Carole, As always so beautiful in all you do. Thank You for that. The Journey is taking me places I’ve only imagined in the past. Removing all symbols from the DMP and clearing my vision of unnecessary items, brings clarity and focus. Of which some are intimidated by. Looks to me like there is lots of new candidates for MKMMA this coming season.

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  4. masterkeymartin

    Robert, you are so in the FLOW, its amazing. Thanks for the example you set, and the continuous inspiration.

    I love the paragraph beginning with ” I live with Love as my emotion of choice…..”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Martin, Love you man and Thank You for your inspiration. When I speak to others I use some caution. When I’m guiding my “within” I put the Watchman at the Gate on notice to be in harmony with My Desires. I let go of the banana a while ago. The actual result in the world around me is beyond difficult for me to express in the fullest using words. I am so visual that it’s easy to set goal, Ideals, and the like. I’ve finally understood that completely. Describing it to others – not so much yet. Just so you know, LOVE is a very strange and powerful emotion for me. When I walk in Love to the quality of that meaning, FEAR and the rest of negatives are gone from me. Thoughts without the FEAR that haunted me; gives me a wonderful Power to do things, Only imagined in the past

      Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Rex, I do Thank You, All the information is in there. I look at things differently now and by giving it all, the speed in incredible for which advance is even possible. OG’s scroll 5 I see how the entire KEY to this message is keep your being in the minute, moment, the second, It won’t take you long before the Power hits you between the eyes. OG’s “Each minute of this day now I grasp with both hands and fondle with love for its value is beyond price.” I don’t see the rest so much as this.


    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Thank you. I feel your honesty and care as well and that is appreciated. As we draw near the end of the lessons I’m beginning to feel like Captain Kirk of the Star Ship Enterprise.To go out and explore new worlds. OK I’m doing that now, but it sounds great.
      Our Journey is never over, The Love we share is eternal – to never be dismantled by time or space. So Love you and yours, and you do the same


  5. Terrence G Neraasen

    Robert I appreciate your focus on emotions. I have always repressed them, for whatever reasons. Perhaps I’ll soon discover those. I do know however that love for my family and friends is foremost in my mind and heart. And I appreciate your detailed comments on my blog.

    Liked by 1 person


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