Week 22 When Peace has fallen on you, what do you say?


I watched the webinar this past Sunday. Frankly I thought Mark had lost it. Doesn’t he know we have this busy life we have created. I have never done such a thing for just me in my life. I have excuses so justified I could have gone to court. Then at some point, my heart shifted and I asked for help from my Wonderful Raphaela.


The idea or vision I had was to go up to a Retreat we have previously visited last year. I sensed Fear of the Unknown. I asked that she help me get the week end. I looked at my calendar and decided to do this no matter what. She found the number and I called and got reservations for Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Then I decided to fast the entire time.

I desire to live in the Present Now-Here, so I did not allow myself to experience the weekend while I’m still home. I asked the Holy Spirit for the Wisdom, Truth, and for the Gift that I’ve been given to be brought out in a clear term. Truth be told here, FEAR is present in me as I am putting this together and doing the small things needing to be done.

Then from nowhere I received a sense of Peace about this Plan/Vision I have. I need paper and a pen to write. I know the answers I seek will be found because I am “working and being that which I want”. Very much like wanting more Love in my Life is not enough, I must BE more Loving to get that. Wisdom is preparing me for this Silence. I am in AWE of how this is coming together, mentally & physically & even more Spiritually.

At this moment as I sit and write, my spirit is in full Gratitude mode. Thankful for this lesson of FEAR, crushed by Love, and correct desire to attain the most I AM. The feeling that I Know this will go well is kinda weird. Strangely I know this is not coming from me. Yes, my study/focus Virtue for the week is Taking Initiative.


I realize many of the ridiculous exercises we’ve done have brought out the best in me. I have formed habits and released many if not all of the bad habits. The total effect has brought me this lesson this week, and it’s not in the course, it is in my life.

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” – – JFK


Your days be full of Joy, Laughter, and Happy



26 thoughts on “Week 22 When Peace has fallen on you, what do you say?

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Terri, Thank You for your presence here. I got back a few hours ago. The experience, & going to and coming back was just delightful. The amount of things I’ve learned and felt were inspiring. I will have to leave the details to a blog because I could go on forever.


    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      My Friend indeed, Dan. Thank You. The experience was so much Joy and I was able to keep my Spirit in the moment to learn all I could, The Emotions I’ve come to know as my greatest strength helped me soar like an Eagle.
      I will make out a blog just on this most delightful week end.



    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Yvette, so gracious as always and for that I Thank You. Yes the Fasting and silence was together powerful. I’ve decided to continue the Fast for 10 to 30 days. There should be a way to GIVE the experience one had; to another. We are bound to words for that, which lacks the pure flavor of the event.


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  1. Bob Watkins

    As always Robert, you and I are in sync. I start my silence this evening and had already told my wife to take the weekend off from worrying about me and what to feed me (i.e. I love to fast!). To being part of a connected whole, Thank you for your selfless and open sharing 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Bob, Thank You for being in sync. We are one in more ways than most imagine. I got back a few hours ago and my spirit is still soaring. I brought back more than I took up there. I also know that the place I went was not the KEY. I brought the Peace there, I did the work and the finished result/effect is in complete harmony with all I’m doing. I now know I can accomplish this anywhere I desire, including in the midst of complete chaos. It’s late and I’ll make a blog to express as best as words allow.



    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Kelvin, Thank You for the time and thoughts of yours. I got back a few hours ago. I need to settle and sleep tonight to write a blog of just the week end. You will love the story of the rock.


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    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Dominica, Yes I did enjoy the weekend. Thank You. Tomorrow I plan to write down the weekend’s experience. If I could put everything that’s on my Spirit. This would be a book.


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    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Thank You for the support. The weekend was beyond what I could imagine or get a clear vision of. I’ve never done anything like this, and Fear was present for a while. I wasn’t sure about what, when, how. I settled down and began. The effect of the preparation we made in class got me to where I am at now. Mostly I can clearly see I do not need to go somewhere to recreate this marvelous experience. All I need is me to be there.



    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      So peaceful and pleasant in all you do. I Thank You for that. I felt the presence of many who support me. Just being appreciative doesn’t seem like it’s enough. So many things happened, I could not possibly begin to tell you yet. I’ll need a good night to sleep and write down tomorrow about the experience and share to the degree that words allow.



    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Precious Carole, So glad to see you and Thank You. I’ll need to catch up with the growth I’ve been seeing in you. I’m so happy to see you doing better after the difficult month you have had. I’ll write about the weekend tomorrow in a “extra” blog, Like I told Kelvin you love the story about the Rock.


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    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Thank You for always being so supportive. Yes You will Love the Wonderful Raphaela. She wound up being with me on the weekend at the last minute and of more help then a newly hired hand. I need to get some sleep and tomorrow, I’ll write a blog with more of the peaceful and delightful experience I lived.



    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Rex, Yes I just got home a couple of hours ago. Thank You for support here. Many of the moments I’ll share with you all tomorrow, will show us all that the hard work pays off, and many times in a bigger way than expected. I had no attachments to the outcome. I lived in the present. Still was amazed of the movement within me.


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