Week 16 I chose to focus differently


This week of Kindness has had up and downs. We have had a tragedy, and Love & sharing. I’ve observed kind acts and done some. I’ve been caught and invisible. The observation of all this brought me to a very different place. I have experience with some things, and have not the power to transfer it to another. I Love my little daughter (21 years old now, still little to me) and I most wanted to take the pain away by giving of my experience. That I cannot do.


So to surrender to the feeling and detach from the outcome I wanted, was like crossing the ocean with an inner tube and feet to paddle. Feeling lost and in pain, I went to my little one. I found in her strength and amazing Love for others that I’ve admired in her this week. I was able to see her deal with her best friend who is completely distraught at the present. The funeral is Sunday and the mom of the boy does not like her so my little one is going with her, to defend her, to be her voice if needed.


So much can happen in 1 day. We can make choices which help or hurt. According to Haanel the 2 are inseparable. We cannot have only good. The desire to never see the evil, does not make it disappear forever. So I am talking with the little one and see that she is using many of the principles of the class I’m in. This is working for her without any understanding in what I would judge. Then I realize she is around me every day and has been listening and asking what is that for. (DMP board)++++


I come to the moment we sit down to write and visualize the week & what all happened, my little one with all my fears of her being in too much pain. Taught me more than I could offer. Great lesson, well why do I feel pain. I was not totally detached from the outcome and not completely surrendered.


I said that what she was doing for her best friend was very kind. Her reply: “Daddy that is what friends do for each other” So my desire to BE Kind all week had a bonus of bringing me to my knees and a little taste of humility with it. I appreciate the lessons and really filled my being with joy reading the many – not all – of the comments in the MM & Kindnesses tab.



17 thoughts on “Week 16 I chose to focus differently

  1. philsykes1558

    Hi Robert, Enjoyed your posts…Isn’t it wonderful when our family picks up the truth and goodness of life just by being around it. Congratulations on your example. You are changing this generation and teaching principles that will bless others in generations to come….That whic we send into the lives of others, comes back into our own.


    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Phil, So very true, & thank You. I’ve focused on work so much of my life. Now even when the hours are brutal like this week, I find the energy to be present with all, so worth while I’ll never go back with my focus on the wrong thing. Only looking back at the events of last week do I see all the Love and Kindness that surrounded us and brought us through this the most difficult struggles and Pain.


    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Wendy, Thank You. we were surrounded by so much Kindness & Love, Only after can I see it all. In the middle of the ocean it’s hard to see the water


    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Vera, the lessons, and Love, and tears were scattered like dry leaves in the wind. I sit only a day after the funeral and am touched with the beauty in the Kindness that enveloped us last week. I pray for words to bring expression to those emotions felt. for now all I have is tears.


    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Colin, Grateful for you time and comment. The week brought pain, Love, lessons, & blessings. We learned much, loved much and shed many tears together. My Little One made me so proud of her and the focus she had to HELP her friend in need.


  2. debarnell

    Robert, AHHHH is what I felt reading your post today! AHHHH, yes…the truth in so many ways! The truth is always with us and is always truth…we pull away and come back and thus we cause our pain and learning…Kindness is how we learn!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Debbie, Thank You, today I had a moment to look back on the week. Work hours horrendous, things amiss, but the focus was not on the pain. I was actually inspired with what I saw and missed at the same time from last week. I got more hugs from people who understands this event than any other time in my life. At first I was taken back and then I let the heart go, Of course tears came, but the Kindness I experienced is still lacking the words to express. I find the emotions the hardest to express in words, I am not giving up looking for a way to let go
      and just experience life at it’s fullest. One very touching event I didn’t post on the Kindness tab – a coworker was listening to the week with the Little One, he said words mean little, and just gave me a hug. Speechless and blessed wow.


  3. Bob Watkins

    Robert, you are attracting to you such blessed experiences! Your comment “like crossing the ocean with an inner tube and feet to paddle” is clear to see in your post and to vicariously experience with you thank you to you and your family who are teaching us all what Kindness looks like this week!! I stand in awe of your strength and persistence on your journey and it infused me with similar for mine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Bob, Thank You, as the dust settles and a new week/life begins. I look back on the Kindness showed by so many. I was moved to tears thinking of the pain and Love that mixes in these precious moments. You are so right and so is Kelvin the experience is a blessing for all, pain, the Love, all of it.


  4. Kelvin

    To shield our children from pain; I think every parent would do if we could, but oh what critical lessons and insights they would be deprived of. Sometimes I think that little glimmer from us that says “I understand” is much more precious than if we could have shielded them — and now you have a deeper bond, which could not have existed otherwise. May her pain and yours transition quickly. Be well, sir.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masterkeyrea Post author

      Kelvin, Thank You for your kind words and heart. The funeral was yesterday and I was unable because of work to take them. Sobering was the experience for both my little one and Catharine. I was able to LISTEN and absorb the emotions with out judging and in the end proud of both of them


  5. masterkeybrony

    Thanks for sharing Robert. Blessing to you and your daughter and to all whose hearts have been touched by loved ones involved. Loads of kindness out there and great job observing the wonders in front of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. masterkeyrea Post author

    Brony, Thank You. So much can happen in a few days. In the last 3 days I put in 38 hours of work, and still have the STILLNESS in me to be present with my little one after she got back from the funeral yesterday. I had a few minutes of waiting and used Mindful meditation to add up the Kindness that happened during this most trying of weeks. I was just stunned, pleased and grateful for all that happened..



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